Alcion - The Konenkov Museum Club Alcion - The Konenkov Museum Club

Vladimir Tsepkin

A member of International Fund of Arts. An expert in the area of easel painting on the subjects of Russian nature (Ladoga, Balaam, north-west of Russia). Author of unique pictures (tinted high-relief), who has revived ancient traditions of carving and tints. He prefers to deal with aspen, rarely used stuff. His works are particularly beautiful and unique due to the natural silver shade of such wood.
The most typical of his creative works are the series of architects and landscapes of the Empress Ekaterina the Great's country residence in Tsaritsino.
Participating in various exhibitions since 1999. 18 exhibitions were held in the halls and museums of Moscow, 4 of which were personal exhibitions.

More information about the artist is on his web-sites

Vladimir Tsepkin Flares

Vladimir Tsepkin Cell of Valaam
Cell of Valaam

Vladimir Tsepkin - Znamyenskaya Chapel
Znamyenskaya Chapel

Vladimir Tsepkin Scaffold

Vladimir Tsepkin Shelter

Vladimir Tsepkin Schema

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w e b m a s t e r i n g: a n a - n e t

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